Thursday, September 29, 2011

Power Distance

One of Hofstede's cultural dimensions is "Power Distance". Power Distance is the degree of equality or inequality between people in a particular society. Most of the societies in the world are unequal but some are significantly more unequal than others. Societies with high Power Distances encourage and perpetuate inequalty between people. A societie's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as leaders. A Lower Power Distance is a society focusing on lowering the emphasis on differnces in individuals, individuals statuses, and an individuals wealth. This type of society strives for more equal relationships with upward mobility being more common than it normally would be in a higher Power Distance. Some of the places that have a High Power Distance on the globe are Russia, China, India, Lybia, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico. Some of the Lower Power Distances are Canada, United States, Australlia, Fineland, and Norway.
Power Distance does not only have to be used as something pertaining to as large a topic as society. These high and low Power Distances can also be used amongsted the corporate world, and polotics. For example, what is currently going on in the world right now is a great comparison of the higher and lower Power Distances in terms of polotics. Their is a term that is often used "the have and have-nots." this connects to polotics and Power Distance because right now Obama is trying to get the "haves" otherwise known as the richer set of people in our economy to pay taxes. He is doing this so that the economy will run smoother. The "have nots" otherwise known as the people with lower funds are stuck paying taxes and barely breaking even on bills. This is an example of a high Power Distance because both the rich and majority of the poor know and accept that the richer people do not have to pay taxes while the poor are stuck with the burdon of paying taxes as well as having other things they have a hard time paying for.
Power Distance can help us understand one's behavior based upon whether they are living in a higher or lower Distance. If you are living in a Higher Power Distance you are more likely to be living more unfairly, but accepting this lack of fairness non the less. If you are living in a Lower Power Distance you are more likely to be living more equally and fairly in comparison to everyone around you.